

This is clearly not an advertisement for cheap implants from Clínica Noguerol. It is an advertisement for Vitaldent.

As always, after the headline you will find the fine print, which in this case comes after an asterisk *.

When I read it I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. This price only includes the acquisition of the implant, everything else is separate. And I say, what use is the unplaced implant to you?

I invite you, taking advantage of the free consultation, to make an appointment for an assessment. Later, when they are given the total budget, they will see the reality. You will only lose some time and after the experience draw your own conclusions.

It is obvious that treatment should be sought under the most advantageous conditions possible from the economic point of view, but do not forget the quality of the treatment. It is a medical treatment and you put your health in the hands of the person who is going to operate on you. Do not experiment!

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