


Patients often tell us that their teeth look whiter after gum treatment. It is logical that this should be the case. By treating the gingiva, the tooth surface is perfectly polished and therefore darkening stains are eliminated. Obviously periodontal treatment is not aimed at aesthetic improvement, but at curing a serious infection that compromises the dentition and even general health, but on the way it also helps in this sense. If whitening of the stains inside the tooth is desired, the application of a chemical substance is needed to which, when a source of energy is applied, such as high wavelength light or laser, promotes a reaction that eliminates the substances that darken the tooth. This substance must be of sufficient concentration and must be applied in the clinic with gingival protection systems and control of possible risks. Sometimes the whitening effect can be completed by applying individualized splints at home, based on the patient’s own model. These splints place the whitening substance in intimate contact with the tooth. In this case the product concentration is lower, for safety reasons, but also the effect.

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