

At menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels drop. As there are fewer of these hormones, the anti-inflammatory effect of estrogens on the gums decreases and osteoporosis appears. One third of women over 65 years of age suffer from it.

These women may observe atrophic gingivitis and postmenopausal gingivostomatitis with shiny, dry gums and easy bleeding. They may also have mouth discomfort with dryness, bad taste and burning sensation.

Some women with osteoporosis take bisphosphonates. These drugs increase the risk of developing a disease known as «osteonecrosis of the jaws». It is important to notify your dentist or periodontist prior to any treatment.

As we always say, the most important thing is to keep plaque levels low, through good hygiene and regular check-ups with your periodontist. In the case of taking bisphosphonates, the specialist should be informed so that he/she can take the appropriate measures.


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