
ORAL HYGIENE IN CHILDREN. Virginia Garrido. Hygienist

Those of you who are parents will know the constant struggle we have with our children, to get them to brush and take care of their teeth.

In our clinic, we do not usually have direct contact with children, but we do have contact with their elders. My goal as a hygienist
The main goal of dental hygiene is for adults to share with children a healthy habit, such as oral-dental hygiene. Obviously, in order for their children to acquire such a habit, they must be educated by their elders. For this, in our clinic, we spend a lot of time with our patients to teach them proper brushing techniques and the use of dental floss (the great absentee in most of our patients).
cases). Children should know the importance of flossing. Their teeth and gums need the same care as ours.
I encourage you to share and promote dental hygiene with them, to achieve, together, that it is not «an obligation» but «a fun».
Help us to share smiles!

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