Periodontics in Granada
At Noguerol Clinic we have a professional team with extensive experience and practice and with great human qualities, to always offer you the most professional treatment in a warm and close way. We are a team committed to the maximum attention to each of the people who place their trust in our center.
What is Periodontics?
Periodontics is no longer a specialty that only deals with gum health, but with general body health.
If left untreated, periodontal disease, or pyorrhea, can lead to tooth loss.
When the gums become inflamed, the teeth can lose the bone that holds them in the jaw, become mobile, cause discomfort and eventually have to be extracted.
Numerous studies carried out in the most prestigious research centers worldwide show that taking care of the health of the gums, in addition to preventing problems in the mouth, helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction or premature birth in pregnant women.

When the inflammation affects only the gum. Bleeding, reddening of the gingiva, and volume increase or retraction are usually present.
Sensitivity to cold, heat or acidic foods may also be noted.
Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontal disease and affects a large number of adults. Gingivitis is a mild gum disease, but it requires professional treatment so that the infection does not progress to periodontitis.
Gingivitis has a simple solution in a dental clinic. By means of prophylaxis or scaling and root planing, mild to moderate periodontal diseases are cured and the quality of life of patients is improved.
Periodontitis or pyorrhea
After untreated gingivitis, in genetically susceptible patients, the supporting bone of the teeth may be affected, which is destroyed leaving the tooth unsupported and weak. Teeth may shift, may become uncomfortable when chewing and spaces usually appear between the teeth.
Periodontitis is an advanced periodontal disease and can greatly affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
In addition to the obvious gum infection, many scientific studies link periodontitis to an increased likelihood of cardiovascular problems, diabetes and other systemic diseases.
Periodontitis is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are important to maintain teeth in patients affected by periodontitis.
In the more advanced stages of periodontitis, periodontal surgery will be necessary to remove the subgingival calculus that could not be removed by scaling and root planing.

Periodontal surgery is focused on eliminating the infection in the areas where periodontitis is more advanced. Generally, bone that has been lost cannot be regained, except in cases where intraosseous defects form around the teeth. In these defects the bone can be regenerated, there are treatments that allow the regeneration of the bone around the teeth through the application of biomaterials such as proteins derived from the enamel matrix.

Adversely affects the heart
Increases the propensity to suffer heart attacks as it alters the atheroma plaque in the arteries, favoring thrombosis and heart attack. Periodontitis therefore has a direct impact on serious cardiac complications.

Negative effects on diabetes
Periodontitis increases peripheral insulin resistance, which causes a greater lack of control of blood sugar levels, making it more difficult to control diabetes.

Major pregnancy complications
Alterations in hormones are related to the development of gum infections. During puberty, menopause, but especially during pregnancy, women should take care of their dental hygiene.
Do you think you have periodontal problems?
If you think you may have some kind of gum problems or you have not had your annual cleaning and checkup for too long, request your appointment as a preventive measure for Dr. Noguerol to check the health of your gums and your mouth in general.
If you have a few minutes, we suggest you to take a Gingival Health Test.

Periodontal Treatments
Periodontal Diagnosis
Clínica Noguerol has the latest technology applied to the diagnosis and follow-up of periodontal treatment. We work with the Florida Probe, a tool that allows us to perform the first phase of the periodontal study: probing.
It makes more accurate determinations of disease progression. It is more advanced the further the probe penetrates, reflecting that more bone has been lost around the tooth.
In addition to the probing depth, other signs such as bleeding, suppuration, gingival recession and mobility are also evaluated in the periodontal study.
The data collected with the florid probe are plotted on a periodontogram with all the values obtained in the scan in addition to other relevant information, collected manually.

This tool allows us to establish the level of individual risk of future periodontal destruction based on the behavior of certain parameters, which are introduced into an expert mathematical model. It also makes it possible to individualize the frequency of maintenance visits according to this individual risk.
We must obtain depth measurements at 3 points on each side, that is, on the part that faces the tongue and palate (lingual or palatal side) and the part that faces the «outside» (the part that touches the lips and cheeks, which is called the vestibular side).
In this way we have 6 observation points on each tooth, thus defining the state of the problem in full detail.

3D Radiology
In order to better understand the shape of the bone defects caused by periodontitis and thus make safer treatments, we have the latest technology in 3D diagnosis.
It is especially useful for bone regenerative treatments and gum corrections, such as recessions, because it allows us to know the relationship of the tooth to the jaw.
Our patients receive a better, faster and more comfortable service.
In its different forms and evolutionary stages. Proper treatment and maintenance allows for long-term, predictable tooth preservation in most patients. Thousands of people have trusted us for more than 25 years and recommend us because they know that the treatment has worked as expected and they keep their teeth, which otherwise would have been lost.
What is Pyorrhea?
Pyorrhea» or periodontitis is caused by the deep extension of the infection from the gum to the bone. Normally a «periodontal pocket» is produced in which bacteria live and from there they destroy the tissues that hold the tooth, often ending up with the loss of the tooth. For pyorrhea to occur, there must be a genetic predisposition. Smoking, stress and diseases such as diabetes can act as factors that may favor the disease.
Periodontitis can appear at any age, although it is more frequent among adults, especially after the age of 30.
How can I prevent Pyorrhea?
Clínica Noguerol recommends good dental hygiene habits to prevent it.
To prevent periodontal diseases, in addition to brushing our teeth and gums at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day, we should visit the periodontist at least once a year, since it usually does not cause symptoms and can go unnoticed, making the diagnosis too late.
The following are warning signs:
Spontaneous bleeding or bleeding when brushing. In smokers it is less noticeable.
Red, swollen and receding gums receding gums
Sensitivity to cold, heat or acidic foods
Mobility or changes in the position of the teeth. Late symptom.
Periodontics in women
In its different forms and evolutionary stages. Proper treatment and maintenance allows for long-term, predictable tooth preservation in most patients. Thousands of people have trusted us for more than 25 years and recommend us because they know that the treatment has worked as expected and they keep their teeth, which otherwise would have been lost.
Gum care during menopause
In menopause, both estrogen (reducing the anti-inflammatory effect of these hormones on the gums) and progesterone levels are reduced (reducing bone density and causing osteoporosis). Significant alterations occur in the tissues of the mouth, with reduced secretion and changes in the biochemical composition of saliva, and disorders in the oral flora. In menopausal women, periodontal disorders associated with hormonal changes and oral discomfort, with burning sensation, dryness and bad taste («burning mouth syndrome») may be observed.
In this situation, it is essential to maintain low levels of bacterial plaque. Visits to the dentist or periodontist should be made periodically in order to identify any changes at the oral level. In the case of taking oral bisphosphonates, the specialist should be informed so that he/she can adopt the appropriate preventive and therapeutic measures.
Before becoming a mother, visit us
Women’s gums are particularly sensitive at certain times of life. At times like pregnancy, you need special care to ensure your own health and that of your future child. From the moment you know you are pregnant, we recommend you to enter into a specific care program, at Clínica Noguerol, which includes the prevention of gingivitis or the treatment of periodontitis, depending on the case.
Moments in the ovarian cycle can be detrimental to the health of the mouth and require special care that we can also offer you in our clinic.
Take the time and visit us early enough to avoid serious problems in your mouth. In addition, we are aware of the evidence of periodontitis as a risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease and that is why as professionals we must inform patients of the risks, including pregnant women.
Periodontal microsurgery.
Gum esthetics
At Clinica Noguerol we use microsurgical techniques for periodontal infection control and tissue regeneration as well as for gum plastic surgery.
Microsurgery allows incisions to be much smaller, reducing bleeding, improving the postoperative period and, above all, obtaining more predictable results.

Periodontics for diabetics, cardiac patients and transplant recipients
Diabetic patients diabetics have a general alteration of their organism that makes them more prone to all kinds of infections. Periodontitis is more severe in this type of patient. In these cases, a joint evaluation of the periodontal situation and the state of diabetes is required. At Clinica Noguerol we have specific protocols for these patients that include the determination of Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the clinic.
Patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction myocardial infarction are more likely to suffer a new one if uncontrolled infections persist in their organism. Periodontal infection is a clear cause of risk. The control of periodontitis helps prevent the risk of heart attack and contributes to preserving health and quality of life.
Transplant patients transplant recipients or with cancer often receive treatments that have an immunosuppressive effect, which makes them more prone to periodontal infection or aggravation of previous periodontitis.
In these cases, it is necessary to carry out more exhaustive treatment to control periodontal infection, which can become, if left untreated, a threat to the evolution of these patients.