
Effects of cannabis on juvenile oral health

Cannabis use affects juvenile oral health.


In Clínica Noguerol’s blog we want to contribute to the eradication of Cannabis consumption among our youth, that is why we raise the problems that can cause the consumption of joints on oral health.


In recent scientific studies carried out between 2015 and 2016, it has been shown that the consumption of Cannabis in youth, causes a deterioration in the health of the gums that will begin to be noticed with greater severity from 38 years of age.


Although it is in oral health where cannabis causes the most harm, it is also associated with accidents and injuries, bronchitis, acute cardiovascular problems, and, possibly, with infectious diseases and cancer, as well as poor mental and psychosocial health.


At Clínica Noguerol we have been observing an increase in oral problems associated with the consumption of joints, since society tends to downplay its consequences.

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