
Can orthodontics change the face?

The different orthodontic treatments, both classic and those with less experience in the market, are the best way to correct possible problems of position and growth of teeth. Thanks to this, the patient, as long as he or she is consistent in the use of orthodontics, will achieve a more beautiful and, above all, healthier smile.

One of the main concerns of people interested in orthodontic treatment is to know in advance what the result will be. This type of treatment usually lasts between one and two years, so having a simulation beforehand is a great help to get an idea of what the changes will be and what your smile will be like once the braces are removed. But, in addition to the teeth, can orthodontic treatment produce changes in the appearance of the face?

Orthodontics and its impact on facial features

Dental malposition has a direct reflection on the smile and sometimes also on the facial features. The most evident change occurs in those cases in which one of the two dental arches has a special inclination that makes the lips more pronounced than usual. On these occasions, the use of orthodontics corrects this dental malposition and slightly modifies the facial features, which in any case will end up being more harmonious than in the initial situation.

Contrary to what some people think, the different types of orthodontics cannot cause major changes in the patient’s face. If the patient, in addition to improving his smile, wishes to change his facial features, he will have to undergo one or more surgical procedures.

Surgery vs. orthodontics

Orthodontic treatments only have an impact on the soft tissues, so they can only change facial esthetics superficially. For more noticeable and evident changes it will be necessary to resort to orthognathic surgery, which intervenes on the bone structure and promotes more profound changes in the appearance of patients.

Orthognathic surgery is performed by the maxillofacial surgeon. There are three types of interventions and they are relatively quick and simple processes:

  • Maxillary surgery. It consists of a cut in the maxillary bone that allows lengthening, shortening, retracting or advancing its position.
  • Jaw surgery. This technique is used when the mandible is small or more retracted than the maxilla, or if, on the contrary, it is larger or more advanced.
  • Bimaxillary surgery. It involves intervention on both the maxilla and the mandible. This technique achieves great changes in the structure of the face and allows the recovery of harmony in the most complicated cases.

Changes in the face during treatment

Occasionally, depending on the type of orthodontics, the patient or his or her relatives may notice certain changes in their face. It happens mostly with braces treatments, as they are somewhat more voluminous than other options, and that can make the lips look a little more pronounced. However, this effect will disappear at the end of the treatment.

If at this point you have any questions regarding orthodontics or orthognathic surgery, please contact our experts. We will be happy to help you, call us!

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