
Dental esthetics: What is it and how does it improve your smile?

In today’s article we talk about dental esthetics. We tell you what this dental specialty is and what techniques it includes.

The growing concern for dental esthetics has encouraged more and more patients to opt for treatments such as dental veneers or teeth whitening, both focused on improving the appearance of the smile. And there is no better letter of introduction than a nice smile.

What is dental esthetics?

Dental esthetics aims to achieve that the shape and color of the teeth color of teeth and gums are perfectly integrated with the patient’s features and thus improve their facial harmony. Being aesthetic treatments, this specialty of dentistry consists of treatments suitable for anyone who enjoys good oral health.

The ultimate goal of cosmetic dentistry is that in addition to enjoying a healthy mouth, your dental ‘look’ is splendid and improves your self-esteem.

Dental esthetic treatments

The different treatments that comprise this technique must be adapted to the oral needs of the patients. Therefore, they should always be done with proper professional supervision, taking into account the condition of teeth and gums. This means that the solution to an aesthetic problem is totally personal, since first a personalized facial analysis is performed.

To achieve the best result, at Clínica Dental Noguerol we study your facial features, measurements and proportions in an exhaustive manner. In addition, we evaluate other aspects such as the position of the teeth, their color, shape or size. This previous study allows us to offer you a precise and meticulous dental esthetic treatment.

These are the most frequent dental esthetic treatments.

Dental veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite that are placed on the visible side of teeth to modify their color and shape.

Veneers allow us to treat problems of staining, deformation, size or position of the teeth.

Depending on the type of dental veneers used, they can last for more than ten years.

Tooth whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment focused on lightening the color of the teeth and recovering a natural white shade.

Before having teeth whitening should be treated possible pathologies such as gingivitis or gum disease should be treated.


If you have a gummy smile, this cosmetic dental treatment will help you reduce the amount of gum that is visible when you smile. This is a quick and simple periodontal surgery technique, which achieves more harmonious and proportionate gums.

A radical change of your smile with incredible results.

Dental reconstructions

Dental reconstructions are a procedure aimed at repairing damaged teeth. These reconstructions can be of different types, and manage to restore the functionality of the tooth while solving the esthetic problems derived from the breakage.

Dental reconstruction can be applied to a single tooth or to several teeth, even to the entire dentition. It is normal that when the loss is severe and conservative restoration is not possible, crowns or crowns are made.
dental implants
to replace the damaged tooth and restore the functionality of the mouth.

Filling the gaps left by damaged teeth allows us to avoid bone deterioration due to lack of stimulation, the appearance of caries and infections.

Specialists in dental aesthetics Granada

If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, don’t let it pass you by and make an appointment at Clínica Noguerol. Because there is nothing like smiling without complexes.

In our dental clinic in Granada we have great professionals specialized in dental aesthetics. We will answer your questions and needs, to recommend the type of cosmetic dentistry treatment best suited for you.

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