
Is it normal for my gums to bleed when I brush?

Have you ever had bleeding gums while brushing your teeth? Many people believe that this is normal, due to the friction exerted by the brush against the tissues, but this is not the case.

Be clear, a healthy gum does not bleed when you brush it. If this happens, we should go to the dentist for a check-up to find out the reason. We anticipate that the most frequent cause is usually the presence of periodontal diseases.

We explain why gums bleed and how you can avoid it! You can also consult our periodontal treatments.

Why do my gums bleed when I brush?

Periodontal diseases are a group of infectious pathologies that are generated when bacteria accumulate in the gum margin surrounding the teeth.

The accumulation of bacterial plaque causes inflammation of the gums. Therefore, if you have periodontal disease, your gums bleed when you brush.

What happens if my gums bleed?

In its mildest state, periodontal disease need not be a problem. You will only have the most sensitive gums that are prone to bleeding when you rub them.

The problem comes when, out of laziness or because we consider this pathology a «minor nuisance», we let the infection progress and do not go to the dentist to treat it. If periodontitis progresses, it can seriously affect your teeth and gums.

The danger of not going to the dentist when your gums bleed

We call periodontal diseases gingivitis and periodontitis. Bleeding and redness of the gums are the main symptoms of gingivitis. Whereas, if you suffer from periodontitis, the infection can cause gum recession, loss of bone support and, as a consequence, instability of the teeth.

Ultimately, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss, so don’t let it conquer your mouth. If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, see your dentist!

How can I prevent my gums from bleeding?

According to the World Health Organization, periodontitis affects almost 40% of the world’s population. The most effective way to combat this pathology is with good prevention, which involves maintaining optimal dental hygiene and going to the dentist at least once a year for a check-up.

In our dental clinic in Granada, we can perform a prophylaxis (a professional dental hygiene) to remove excess plaque accumulated between the teeth and gums. This way, you will leave the dentist with healthier gums, and at home you will only have to make sure to maintain a proper care routine.

On the other hand, smoking has been shown to aggravate the bone loss caused by periodontitis – one more reason to kick this dangerous habit!

If you are concerned about the health of your gums, visit our dental clinic in Granada. We have specialists in periodontics who will check the health of your tissues and heal them so you don’t have any oral health problems, contact us!

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