
Orthodontic toothbrush: types and characteristics of the most recommended ones

Proper oral hygiene is of vital importance for the health of teeth and gums to be in the best possible condition. If you also wear
you will have to pay special attention to your oral cleaning routine.

While it is true that dental hygiene becomes more complicated, there are different types of orthodontic brushes that will help you clean your teeth while correcting the bite or malposition of your teeth.

To do this, it is very important to know how to choose the one that has the characteristics according to the type of orthodontics you are wearing.

Types of orthodontic brushes

The choice of toothbrush will vary depending on the appliance model. In order to select the most suitable one, the most sensible thing to do is to have a specialist give you specific indications on the characteristics it should have, paying attention to the conditions of your mouth (pathologies, previous treatments, position and size of the teeth, etc.).

Brush for invisible orthodontics

If you wear transparent caps, and therefore have removable orthodontics, since they can be removed whenever you wish, the choice of brush is simpler. In this case, you should choose the one that is most comfortable and allows you to better remove bacterial debris from the surface of the teeth.

You will simply have to continue with your oral hygiene routines: brush daily after every meal and throughout the oral cavity. For this, you can opt for a traditional toothbrush or its electric variant, taking advantage of the latest technology to be more effective during plaque removal.

Brushes for orthodontics with brackets

This type of appliance can make it more difficult to clean the teeth. As these are fixed braces and have elements very close to the teeth, the brush cannot reach all the required areas.

However, this obstacle has to be overcome. There are different types of toothbrushes that can help you avoid plaque buildup and its consequences:

  • Electric toothbrushes: they are the most effective for removing bacteria and food debris that remain between the teeth, but if you wear a fixed orthodontic appliance, you should use it gently and use a brush head of the right size. Otherwise, one of the brackets may be lost.
  • Traditional brushes: although they can be very useful, their use requires a lot of time and care to clean all areas well.
  • Interdental brushes and Unipenacho brushes: their choice should be supervised by an orthodontic expert. They are best suited to reach the spaces between the teeth and ensure that the bacterial plaque lodged in these areas is removed.

As simple as it may seem, the choice of a toothbrush is very important when it comes to the hygiene of your teeth. Choosing the one that has the most appropriate characteristics for your teeth will allow you to be more precise in eliminating the elements that cause different pathologies.

At Clínica Dental Noguerol we will not only take care of preventing and stopping possible dental diseases you may be suffering from, we will also teach you how to take care of your oral cavity on a daily basis.

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