
Piercing and oral health


Throughout history, piercing has been considered one of the most representative traits of many cultures.

Nowadays, placing it on the tongue or lips in order to add a decorative element to the body is a very attractive practice from an aesthetic point of view and has become very fashionable among our young people.

But is it worth the risks involved?

This practice has a direct impact on oral health when the piercing is placed in any area adjacent to the mouth and teeth, and usually the person who performs them does not inform of the risks and complications that this may entail.

The health problems that can result from the use of piercing not only affect the oral cavity but also health in general.

  • One of the most frequent risks are tooth fractures due to the contact of the piercing against the teeth. They can also cause interdental spaces due to the tendency of people who have them to play with them.
  • Failure to maintain proper hygiene can lead to infections due to the large number of bacteria present in the mouth. If you decide to perform this practice we recommend you to go to a center of your total confidence, in order to avoid possible transmission diseases such as HIV or Hepatitis.
  • They can cause nerve damage and loss of sensitivity in the area, especially if placed on the tongue.
  • At the esthetic level, it can generate irreversible negative consequences, for example, the scar or hole may not disappear when it is removed.
  • Increased risk of periodontal disease. It causes wounds and recession of the gums leading to tooth mobility and subsequent tooth loss. These injuries are the ones we are most concerned about.

From Clínica Noguerol, we try to warn you about the important consequences of this practice for oral health.

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