
What is a mouthwash for? How to use it and what types are available

Maintaining good dental hygiene is a fundamental task for good health. An important part of this work is carried out in dental clinics by means of
or dental check-ups.

However, each individual is responsible for maintaining dental hygiene in his or her own home through tooth brushing. Using mouthwash is always a plus when it comes to maintaining good oral health.

Clínica Noguerol explains what a mouthwash is for, how to use it and the different types depending on the conditions of each person.

Mouthwash, a complement to toothbrushing

It is important to keep in mind that in no case does the use of mouthwash replace tooth brushing. It is a supplement that helps eliminate bacteria and microorganisms that remain in the mouth.

Some of its most important features are:

  • Eliminates bacterial plaque settled on the teeth.
  • It favors the preservation of fluoride properties (in case fluoride-containing toothpastes are used).
  • Helps eliminate bad breath.
  • Heals possible wounds that may appear in the mouth.
  • Prevents dental diseases.

Its use is especially recommended when the patient cannot control the advance of bacterial plaque or when there are structural deficiencies in the teeth.

How is the mouthwash used?

Correct use of mouthwash can help you improve your oral hygiene and prevent dental disease. Its method of use is as follows:

  1. First, brush your teeth. Remember that the use of mouthwash is not a substitute for toothbrushing.
  2. Then rinse your mouth with mouthwash.
  3. The amount you use should be between 10 and 15 milliliters.
  4. Do not dilute it in water, as the mouthwash could lose its active ingredients.
  5. For the rinse to be effective, it should last between 30 seconds and one minute.
  6. When rinsing, be careful not to swallow the mouthwash.
  7. Follow this routine after every tooth brushing.

Types of mouthwashes

When choosing a mouthwash, it is very important that you consult a professional who can tell you the specific type you need to maintain your oral hygiene or to alleviate some dental problems:

  • Cosmetic mouthwashes are especially useful for removing food de bris that has not been removed during brushing. They also provide freshness.
  • If you want to fight bacterial plaque and prevent gingivitis, antiseptic mouthwashes are your choice. With its rinse you can cure sores and ulcers that appear in the mouth.
  • Fluoride mouthwashes protect teeth from acids caused by plaque. This property coats the tooth enamel and controls the initial stages of caries development.

In turn, knowing whether a mouthwash contains alcohol can be a determining factor in its choice, since its use will depend on the patient’s dental sensitivity and the presence or absence of mucosal conditions.

If you want to know which mouthwash to use, we recommend that you consult your dentist. Visit us at Plaza San Lázaro 11, Granada, for a personalized dental study.

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