
Why do gums recede?

Gingival recession is a process in which the gums recede, exposing the root of the tooth. This can cause aesthetic inconveniences (a smile with more elongated teeth) and also health problems (discomfort when brushing or tooth sensitivity when eating hot or cold food).

Its main causes are periodontitis, malposition of the teeth, aggressive brushing or an incorrect relationship between the teeth and the surrounding bone.

Lower gingival recession

How can gingival recessions be prevented?

Inflammation is one of the main causes of gingival recession, so it is essential to practice proper oral hygiene and attend regular check-ups. At least once every 12 months in healthy patients and more frequently in patients with periodontitis. Avoid sudden movements and vigorous brushing. There are electric toothbrushes with pressure control that help us to control excessive force during brushing.

What is the solution?

Gingival recessions are treated by means of periodontal microsurgical techniques and gingival grafts. This allows us to achieve a double objective. The first is to increase the quality and thickness of the gum so that recession does not progress. The second objective is to cover the recession.

Before and after treatment of gingival recession through periodontal plastic surgery

Clínica Noguerol has been performing periodontal microsurgery for more than 25 years in Granada to cover recessions. Make an appointment at 958270101 or at Clínica Noguerol’s website.

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