

January 2021 will mark Clínica Noguerol‘s 30th anniversary. Dr. Blas Noguerol started his practice as a periodontist and implantologist in Granada after his professional and scientific training in Madrid and abroad.

Today we are preparing the future of our dental clinic in Granada. Dr. Fernando Noguerol joined the clinic in September, although he shares his time with Madrid, where he is working on his doctoral thesis. His main focus will be on periodontics and dental implants, as well as bone and gum regenerative treatments. He has also specialized in the treatment of peri-implantitis, a growing problem.

Dr. Blas Noguerol Jr. will join the company in September upon completion of his specialization at the International University of Catalonia in Barcelona. Your Master’s Degree in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry will allow you to bring to the clinic an innovative vision in dental aesthetics in Granada and treatments with dental prostheses. All this incorporating the latest technologies in digital dentistry, which allow the results to be much more predictable and the patient’s experience with the treatment much better.

We have not wanted our team to grow old in these years, almost 30 years now, and we have a group of young professionals very well trained in different areas of dentistry. Drs. Alejandra Costas, Fernando Guerrero and José María Bolinches bring a combination of youth, qualifications and experience.

Currently we have been able to expand our portfolio of services, from the initial specialization in periodontics and implants, to other disciplines such as adult orthodontics or oral rehabilitation.

The challenge of digital dentistry in Granada requires the preparation of the professional team and the updating of the physical and technological infrastructure to meet it. We are preparing a comprehensive updating project to meet this challenge and continue to be a leading dental clinic in the capital of Granada. Our goal is to be prepared for the dental care of the next generation of patients who have trusted us for so long.
We hope to be able to continue counting on the confidence of so many people from Granada. We will spare no effort to continue to deserve it.

Dental Clinic in Granada.

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