Los mejores tratamientos para rejuvenecer tu sonrisa


The best treatments to rejuvenate your smile

Do you think your smile makes you look older? In today’s article we bring you our best anti-aging treatments to rejuvenate your smile.

Clínica Noguerol has more than thirty years of experience as a dental clinic in Granada. We have the most innovative treatments to improve the aesthetics, health and functionality of your smile.

Anti-aging tips for a younger smile

Some areas of our body give away our age. Or worse, they make us look older than we are. We talk about hands, arms, cleavage, and of course: The smile.

Teeth, as well as gums, can add years to our age and therefore make us feel self-conscious to the point of covering our mouths when we smile. To maintain a younger smile it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, go for check-ups at the dentist every six months and try not to leave possible dental problems untreated.

Fortunately, today there is an ideal anti-aging treatment for every dental problem. In addition, many of our smile rejuvenation treatments are minimally invasive and offer incredible results.

We’ll tell you about each of them below!

Tooth whitening, to lighten the shade of the teeth

Teeth whitening is the most immediate treatment to rejuvenate your smile if your problem is yellow and stained teeth.

Dark teeth are one of the most obvious signs of aging, and also the easiest to treat. However, teeth whitening is not always enough, in some cases it is necessary to opt for dental veneers for a completely rejuvenated smile.

Dental veneers, one of the best ‘anti-aging’ treatments for your smile

Dental veneers are the treatment you need to treat the following cases:

  • Dental fractures
  • Dental wear
  • Dental staining
  • Minor dental malpositions

Before starting this treatment to rejuvenate your smile, Clínica Noguerol performs a Mock-up study. This is a simulation that allows us to show you the treatment in your mouth before performing it.

Treatments to rejuvenate gums

As we were saying, gums can also make our smile look aged.

Gums, like teeth, can darken over time. When this occurs, a gingival peel can be performed. This anti-aging treatment removes the superficial layers of the gums, causing them to recover their pinkish tone.

It is a quick procedure, which is performed under local anesthesia and has a fast healing time.

Another of our best treatments to rejuvenate your smile is gingivectomy. This simple procedure is perfect for treating the gummy smile (when the gum shows more than normal when smiling). It consists of a surgery that allows us to slightly trim the gum to lengthen the teeth a little and make them look more beautiful.

Dental implants, the best solution for replacing missing teeth

Missing teeth is the dental problem that ages us the most. This causes facial flaccidity, sagging, loss of facial contours and many other things that make us look older. To avoid all these premature esthetic consequences, it is essential to replace lost teeth as soon as possible. In addition, acting quickly also allows us to slow down bone loss.

Dental implants are, most of the times, the best solution when one or more teeth are missing. And they are not only indicated for older patients.

Hyaluronic acid in lips to rejuvenate your smile

Hyaluronic acid allows us to fill the wrinkles of the so-called ‘bar code’, the wrinkles of the nasolabial fold and marionette lines. So it is another of the treatments to rejuvenate your smile that could not miss in this post.

In addition, in our dental clinic we also perform lip fillings with hyaluronic acid in Granada, to achieve a more youthful smile and correct asymmetries in the lips.
If you are interested in any of these ‘anti-aging’ treatments for your smile, do not hesitate to contact us. You can request your assessment appointment here.

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